Below are Major Updates to the Invasive Species Legislation
Corn Snakes have been removed from the invasive species list
Boa Constrictors have been removed from the list for Gauteng and no longer require permits
Green Iguanas have been removed from the list for Gauteng and no longer require permits
Burmese Pythons: The scientific name of this species has been corrected and now requires permits nationwide
Red Eared Sliders can now be kept with permits but major restrictions apply such as no breeding, trading or selling of this species, basically if you already have them you will be issued with a permit to keep them nothing else
The Scientific Name for Carpet Pythons is still wrong but Nat Con still requires permits.
The Scientific name for West African Gaboon Vipers is still incorrect and therefore their listing is invalid
Rattlesnakes of the genus Crotalus have been removed from the list