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African Bush Vipers

West African Bush Viper An attractive viper from tropical West Africa. This viper is a small and makes for an attractive display reptile. Feeds mainly on lizards in the wild and hatchlings can be problem feeders.… African Bush Vipers

Caring for Milk Snakes

Types of Milk Snakes There are over 25 different subspecies ( types ) of Milk Snakes that occur in North American, Central America and  South America. The most common, easy to care for and attractive… Caring for Milk Snakes

Boa Constrictor Care

Types of Boa Constrictors Boa Constrictors can be found in South and Central America with a range that begins in  Mexico and ends in Argentina. Dwarf Boa Constrictors can be found on islands off the… Boa Constrictor Care