African Vipers and Adders
There are several large viper species under the genus Bitis most well known of this group is the Puff Adder and Gaboon Viper. Puff Adders are a wide ranging snake and can be found in… African Vipers and Adders
There are several large viper species under the genus Bitis most well known of this group is the Puff Adder and Gaboon Viper. Puff Adders are a wide ranging snake and can be found in… African Vipers and Adders
The Wagler’s Pit Viper is from Southeast Asia and is possibly the most well-known of the green tree-dwelling pit vipers in the region. Other green tree-dwelling pit vipers from the same region include Pope’s Pit… Waglers Viper Pictures and Species Profile
There are two subspecies of Gaboon vipers ; the East African Gaboon Viper and the West African Gaboon Viper. The East African Gaboon Viper occurs along the east coast of Africa from the upper east… Gaboon Viper Picture and Species Profile
Vipers as a group are the most commonly kept and most sought after captive venomous snakes in the world. Below are some of the most popular vipers available in South Africa. VIPERS OF ANY SPECIES… Captive Care for Vipers Available in South Africa
West African Bush Viper An attractive viper from tropical West Africa. This viper is a small and makes for an attractive display reptile. Feeds mainly on lizards in the wild and hatchlings can be problem feeders.… African Bush Vipers